Aclaris Positive 6 Month Results In AGA With Photos

On June 17, 2019, Aclaris Therapeutics Inc. issued a press release announcing positive results from a phase 2 clinical trial for men and women with androgenic alopecia.

Trial Details

From the press release: the trial results included 22 subjects of both men and women who applied a 0.46% solution of ATI-502 to their scalps twice daily over a period of 26 weeks or 6.5 months. ATI-502 is the product name of Aclaris’ topical JAK 1/3 inhibitor.

  • The primary evaluation point of this study was the non-vellus target area hair count (TAHC) after 26 weeks.
  • Subjects received a tattoo on their scalp to indicate the area of treatment precisely.
  • Theoverallaverage increase in target area hair count among all subjects was 8.6 hairs per cm².
  • In females alone, the TAHC increase was 15.3 hairs/cm².
  • In males alone, the TAHC increase was 5.6 hairs/cm².
  • The secondary evaluation point was an investigator global assessment (IGA) and a self global assessment (SGA). This basically means the investigator and the subject physically observed the scalp of the subject and gave their opinion on how much hair was grown.
  • The investigators rated 73% (16 of 22) of the subjects as experiencing increased hair growth.
  • 82% (18 of 22) of the subjects rated themselves as having increased hair growth.

The Male And Female Response

The above slide displays the increase in hair growth over a period of 26 weeks. The black line represents the male response and the red line represents the female response. As you can see, the males displayed a much higher increase in hair growth at the 8 week mark, about 17 hairs per cm² compared to the female increase of about 7 hairs per cm². Curiously, by the end of the 26 week trial these roles had almost reversed as was noted in the trial details section above this slide.

Photo Evidence

This is what you came here for. Below are some photo images of a 48 y/o male and a 31 y/o female who both completed the 26 week trial period and applied ATI-502 to their scalps twice daily.

Aclaris Therapeutics JAK Inhibitor Results

The photo displays meaningful restoration of the crown area. The balding area has shrunk to about half its original size at week 26. The professional photography settings are, of course, consistent in both photos. Both male subject and the investigator rated this result as “greatly increased” hair growth. As a reference point, this subject displays a TAHC increase of 11 hairs per cm².

The parting of the hair in this 31 y/o female has shrunk by week 26. The quality of her hair also seems thicker and healthier beyond the part. The investigator rated this as a “slight” increase in hair growth while the woman rated herself as having a “moderate” increase in hair growth. The TAHC was an increase of 15 hairs per cm².

What do the readers think of these photographs? Please comment below.

Next Steps For Aclaris

Due to the positive nature of the results of this trial, Aclaris has decided to continue the length of the trial to 12 months. Data will be recollected and evaluated at that time and Acalris hopes to show a continued mark of improvement among trial participants at that time.

Aclaris has also stated they have been working on an improved topical formulation of ATI-502 which includes higher concentrations of the active ingredient. The formula being currently trialed was a 0.46% solution and Aclaris believes they can create a formula about 5X greater concentration than this. Wow.

Thus, another phase 2 dose ranging trial with higher concentrations of ATI-502 is being evaluated by Aclaris at this time. Thepress releasestates that this trial may potentially have a female focus and could be underway in H1 2020. The timeline may be potentially disappointing to readers, however progress is progress.

21 Comments on “Aclaris Positive 6 Month Results In AGA With Photos

  1. This year has truly been a game changer…. It is now really a question of when and not if a new game changing hair loss treatment is released

  2. 看起来有前途的,但我不认为any of these topicals – Aclaris, Breezula, etc. – will be the real “cure” for hair loss. It looks like Aclaris will definitely work for people who actually have hair (I have hair now but won’t in like 6 months). I think these results proof the theory that the real cure for full baldness lays in cell therapies like Tsuji or maybe even Shiseido.

    Thoughts, anyone?

    • 格雷格:我倾向于同意。我认为这些进步well help those who have hair to maintain it. Significant reversal of baldness will most likely rest with Tsuji and other cloning and/or bio-engineering therapies. But never say never! PS would love to know how L’Oreal is getting on with hair printing. It is almost three years since their goal of printing follicles for research and ultimately for transplantation was announced.

      • L’Oreal does not seem to be advancing quite far with the hair printing yet. There is one company that appears to be head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to development of a duplicated hair follicle. More news on this soon.

        • @Follicle Thought Are you talking about Tsuji / RIKEN or someone else?

    • I also agree, but since I am considering a hair translate, I would like a solution that is not fin or mon. So these may be the semi-permanent solutions.

      I am just trying to figure out, how I can maintain what I get after the transplant to maximize it without losing functionality to my *****.

      I do think the real solution is something to do with cloning or completely taking the effects of the DHT etc out of our system. Another channel I watch came out with something so absurd that it makes sense. He was saying if men castrated themselves, no testes = no DHT = HAIR. I wonder if it applies if you have vasectomy.

  3. It’s all very promising, most of you, I want a positive hair loss product now !!

    • Celino is the next company to release a product, of course we don’t know how it will turn out yet.

      • Admin, I would have to imagine Celino has the answer for at-least hair maintenance. It would be embarrassing to launch a hair product first with hospitals and clinics for it not to work…

      • Joseph, you mentioned that there is another stem cell derived topical coming to market probably towards the end of this year. It has been developed by a US company. You have been a bit secretive about it.
        It will be interesting how NGF-574H and this ‘mysterious’ product compare to each other. Anyway, options are on the horizon.
        Fingers crossed…

        • Hi MRKA,
          Thanks for mentioning this. I’m glad I could reply to your comment and add some clarification for you since your comment was sincere and good spirited.

          You mentioned I’ve been “secretive” about the new stem cell product. I did previously state, I was asked by the company not to share the product details yet. However, this product does exist. So, I feel compelled to share it with you all to offer hope and to make you guys happy by knowing about the product. The options are to give you guys a sneak peek because I care, or to just not say anything.

  4. @Follicle Thought: Just upload the video and those subs will be there in no time. Kind of nasty to hold it at ransom for subs… You won’t get my sub, and likely many other people’s with that attitude.

    • I’m simply asking for a subscription in exchange for all of the hours of hard work I do and it’s free to subscribe. nasty? Very surprised by some of the things you say, and your appreciation, etc. Why wouldn’t you be happy to help me out and click a subscribe button?

      • Sorry about Doug! That is ridiculous, I appreciate your hard work and am more than happy to subscribe to your channel.

        • CT, I gotta let you know that I appreciate your comment.

  5. 不能相信的巨魔,佛吗rums. HLT is full of them, that’s why a lot of the knowledgeable posters have left for private sites. Everything turns into a fight with these anonymous tough guys. I understand why you want it kept positive and in check, thanks again. Also I read both sides of all comments pro and con when it is civil, when the name calling starts all their credibility is out the window.

  6. Hello Admin, just wanted to say thank you for doing all the research for us. I really appreciate it. Will follow you on YouTube.

  7. well i hope this ones not like Trinov …WILL WE HAVE A CURE SOON

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