

几周前,为InStyle写那篇文章的记者丹妮尔·弗里德曼(Danielle Friedman)联系上我,问我能否帮她联系一些愿意分享自己脱发经历的观众。她也很有兴趣回答这个问题:为什么脱发的“耻辱”仍然存在?这是一个很难回答的问题,但我想,也许,即使有一天脱发的耻辱消失了,脱发的人也不会满足,直到他们在这个问题上有了选择。InStyle的文章从“安东尼”的个人故事开始,他经常在Follicle Thought上评论,在投稿时使用化名。英格兰vs美国皇冠比分2022世界杯附加赛预测很多人都会对安东尼的故事产生共鸣。

郑重声明,InStyle确实问过我,有哪些治疗方法有望治愈秃头,我提到了一些我们熟悉的名字(致力于增加毛囊的公司等),然而,这些内容没有出现在文章的最终剪辑中。世界杯球赛直播时间表20222022世界杯附加赛预测如果能让这些公司在主流媒体上得到更多报道就好了,但至少InStlye的用户现在有机会在Follicle Thought上了解更多关于此类治疗的信息。英格兰vs美国皇冠比分2022世界杯附加赛预测非常感谢InStyle的特写。请点击下面的链接查看文章。



  1. 在InStyle杂志上做得好!《金融时报》是一家大型出版物,登上它的报纸会增加FT的可信度。倒不是说它不是一个提供基于事实的信息的可靠网站,而是说它有这么多不同的网站,这有助于FT脱颖而出。

    • 谢谢,丽莎,我很感激。


      • 至于秃头的污名,我认为人们对秃头的厌恶是完全自然的。几年前,我18岁开始脱发,1998年剃头后,我就完全秃了。当我在照片或镜子里看到自己时,我仍然会感到震惊,因为即使这么多年过去了,无论我们的电脑社会多么努力地让我接受这种“自然”的状况,都是不可能的。疯狂的是,我每隔几年就会见到一些朋友,他们会对我说:“哇!你什么时候开始剃头的?”and the ironic thing is THEY HAVE ONLY EVER KNOWN ME WITH A BALD HEAD! That’s how ingrained it is within us that baldness should not be a natural part of our physical bodies. I actually wear wigs here in there as part of my job and just the other week a bunch of my friends who were on set with me for a two week job saw me without the wig on the last day and they all just stared at me with shock on their faces. They were so used to seeing me with hair for those two weeks that it seemed weird to them that I was actually bald even though some of those people have known me for 20 years as a baldie. Modern society wants us to accept all kinds of physical and mental dysfunctions as being normal but these ideas are anti-nature in my opinion and just don’t hold up when you look at the natural world in general. Survival of the fittest is why nature thrives but we as humans have become so disconnected from the underlying biological truth of the natural world (which we are a part of) that it’s been detrimental to our overall physical and mental health. In my opinion there is no reason for a man, woman or child to be bald or balding as it does not make any practical sense for the optimal functioning of the physical body. Hair loss should only be seen at the end of ones life as the body begins to break down as a whole. When you see a cat or dog with mange (patches of hair missing) you don’t think, “Oh that looks fine, that seems natural” – we know INSTINCTIVELY that something is not quite right and the same goes for human baldness. I believe it’s built into our DNA the blueprint for a perfectly functioning human body which is why we have these negative reactions to physical and mental disorders. Should we accept each individual person for who they are even if they have disorders? Of course. Should we accept their dysfunctional bodies and minds as being natural and normal? Impossible as it goes against the underlying DNA blueprint. This is why we have a website like this along with thousands of others dedicated to getting to the bottom of all kinds of physical and mental conditions – because deep down we know these things aren’t normal. But why is there hair loss in the first place? I think we’ve already discovered the answer but it’s a very fringe idea and hasn’t gotten any major traction yet so we’ll just have to wait. It seems like there is massive interest in this whole subject though so it’ll be interesting to see how things progress. And that’s the end of my long-winded 2 cents! Great site

        • 首先,伙计,这段话真棒。我在许多方面同意你的看法,并致以良好的祝愿。我想知道你是否喜欢戴假发的时光,或者有时会考虑做一个头发系统?


          • 是的,我很想听听Macattack的回复

  2. 我很想听听那些和记者交谈过的社区成员,他们分享了什么,他们的感受是怎样的。

  3. 好文章!我很高兴毛囊思想也2022世界杯附加赛预测英格兰vs美国皇冠比分包括在内。

  4. 至于脱发的“病耻感”,这就像是鸡和蛋的问题。我们感到难过是因为人们取笑脱发还是因为我们自己也感到难过?可能两者都有一点。如果社会出于某种原因对秃顶评价很高,你认为人们会学着喜欢它吗,还是会觉得更舒服?一个有趣的问题。


  5. 我认为我们所能期望的最好的结果就是人们不要那么批评秃顶,它可能永远不会被认可。如果批评停止,人们会更加放松。

  6. 我认为一头浓密的头发与年轻和健康联系在一起,所以就像Macattack提到的,人们倾向于认为你有什么问题,或者你老了,大多数人都不想被认为是这两种情况。




  7. 关于脱发的好文章。因为头发不够,我前几天才剃了头。我知道头发脱落的原因有很多,但我的原因是我年轻的时候拔过头发。我在乔治亚州的头发医生告诉我这叫拔毛癖。我有自己的YouTube频道Dontrel Dontrel,请订阅并提供任何信息。我的睫毛也做了。我掩饰得很好,但这让我很难受。而且我后2022世界杯附加赛预测世界杯球赛直播时间表2022脑勺的毛囊非常薄,所以从后脑勺移植头发是行不通的。请帮助任何人。Dontrel Dontrel请订阅我的YouTube频道,希望我们可以分享信息。

    • 唐崔尔,请留意即将上市的新药,它们可能会使你的毛囊细胞增殖,或许还能使你后脑的头发不再稀疏。2022世界杯附加赛预测也许有一天甚至会长出新的毛囊!世界杯球赛直播时间表20222022世界杯附加赛预测

